

Revision Date: 15 January 2023

Object Effects

Object menu
Object Menu

Effects in this submenu are designed to work on objects. An object is defined as a group of pixels surrounded by transparency. For any Object effect to work, the edges of the object must have transparent pixels on one side of the boundary.

In the image below, only the green rounded hex is an object. The red diamond looks like an object, but it sits in a layer filled with white. The red diamond has no surrounding transparency and no opaque/transparent edges, so it is not an object.

Object definition
Explaining objects

Effects Object Drop Shadow icon Drop Shadow

This effect creates a shadow around the perimeter of a group of pixels.

Shadow Radius defines the width of the shadow.
Distance determines how far from the object the shadowing extends.
Angle use the angle control to specify the direction that the shadows will fall.
Opacity this control defines the opacity/transparency of the shadow. A lower setting means the shadow will be more see-through.
Color determines which shade the shadow will be.
Only Draw Shadow checking this checkbox will remove the object from the layer, leaving just the shadow.

Example - Effects > Object > Drop Shadow

Effects > Object > Drop Shadow